What is Compositing? Compositing is the art and technique of merging visual components from distinct sources into a unified image, crafting the illusion that all elements coexist within a coherent scene. This process involves digital image manipulation, typically executed through software like Adobe Photoshop, to blend images seamlessly. The composites highlighted below are just a few of the images Joseph Biwald has created over the year for Bungie.
But why make Composites? Through years of marketing, Joseph have consistently encountered the need to create key visuals for weapons, characters, abilities, and more. Unlike in-game screenshots, compositing allows him to isolate specific elements, giving the control to integrate them into custom scenes that enhance their narrative or core creative themes. This approach helps establish a cohesive visual wrapper for marketing assets and has proven to effectively highlight items to players.
One of the key benefits of compositing images is that it allows access to individual layers in Adobe Photoshop. This layered approach not only enhances the editing process but also insures we can animate the final image for motion graphics.
Destiny Composites are created leveraging Adobe Photoshop and in-game screenshots. Joseph goes in-game and, utilizing advanced development tools, captures and isolates Characters, Weapons, and Props with custom lighting. He then pulls all captured assets directly into Adobe Photoshop and builds custom scenes with layers and FX.